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Showing posts from November, 2017

Humanoid robot doing backflip

Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics

Brief history of self-driving cars - video post

year 1956: General Motors a future vision of autonomous driving year  1986: NavLab first autonomous car in the world, revolutionary application it was very slow and was fully packed with electronics needed for data processing years 1984 - 1994: NavLab from small and slow autonomous robots in closed environments towards first autonomous cars tested on real roads control actions are based on multiple independent control modelues years 1986 - 1996: NavLab size minimization of the electronic devices - from vans to sedans automatic control still unreliable and full of faults years  1986 - 2003: VaMoRs Mercedes Van 9 years of research and development 20km autonomous drive with a max speed of 96km/h year 1989: obstacle detection year 1990: autonomous lanne change yer 1992: ALVIN  one of the first applications of artificial intelligence in autonomous driving artificial neural networks learn from human driver how to control a car smaller distances year 1997: